Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Journey Continues

Some of our friends in the world of social media would have us believe that we are living in the “end times”. We’re told that the world is heading straight for hell, that God is wrath, and that our days are numbered.

The only problem with all of this is that none of it is true. Despite what you may have heard over the years, we aren’t living in the end times. Despite what the street prophets and televangelists are shouting from the sidewalks and atop the New York Times bestseller list, Jesus is not coming back. Speaking for myself as someone who professes Christ, I believe that He’s here, in this time and place, right now. The very essence of Christ abounds in every person who has the capability to love another.

Yes, there is injustice in the world. Yes, there is violence and death. Yes, there is inequality. But I do believe that the human race is progressing towards a greater good in spite of it all. We may not be there just yet, but even so, we are pressing forward.

Grace will abound in the end, for all. Not just for an elect group of people, but for everyone. What we need to keep in mind is that none of this change will happen without us - the world working together as a whole. Every person from every walk of life - black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Buddhist, agnostic, atheist, etc. Let’s work together and try to stop spreading the gloom and doom propaganda that is depressing and false and only serves one purpose - to obliterate hope and keep us afraid.

Break free and keep pressing on. Cleave to that precious and small circle of friends who can embark on this journey with you. Live your life without fear, without regret, make the most of every moment, and never apologize for who you are.

In this way, there is always love, always hope, and the end is nowhere in sight. 

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