Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Five Things You Didn't Sign Up For When You Became A Christian

“You ought to live your life with such freedom and joy that uptight Christians will doubt your salvation.” ― Steve Brown

Every day, all I have to do is look on my newsfeed in order to see that some of my fellow believers are struggling in their journey with God. I see that they are still performing, still looking for excuses to rob themselves of their God-given freedom. I believe this comes from the fact that the older generations are still spreading around the same poisonous, legalism-riddled theology that's been going around for years. Their children have become pastors, or they have influenced other impressionable young men, and the vicious cycle goes on and on. 

The progressive voice in the Christian community has grown considerably over the past few years. We have managed to drown out as much of the poison as we possibly can. And still, there are those who remain afraid. They're trapped in a web of spiritual slavery. What they don't seem to understand is this: they didn't sign up for any of that. The fear, the constant doubt, the masks -- you didn't sign up for those things when you accepted Christ. In actuality, you were given the gift of freedom, with all of the things that the word "freedom" implies. 

Here are a few things that you didn't sign up for. 
  1. Fear. You didn't sign up for a life saturated by fear. God is not angry with you. He loves you. He understands that you are not perfect. He has accepted you as you are, no questions asked. He loves your past, present, and your future self. There is nothing that you can do that will make Him stop loving you. He is your father. You don't have to walk on eggshells around him, despite what the "hellfire and brimstone" spewing pastors would have you believe. Ignore their heresies and live without fear. You are really free. 
  2. Doubts Concerning Your Salvation. Know that if you have confessed Christ as your Lord and Savior and you really meant it, you are saved. The faith of a mustard seed. It is as simple as Romans 10:9. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." There is no fine print. That is it, folks. And, despite what the advocates of lordship salvation may tell you (John MacArthur, John Piper), there is nothing that you can ever do to lose that salvation - neither is there anything that you have to do in order to earn it. 
  3. The Need To Perform. You don't have to wear a mask. You don't have to try so hard to be perfect. If you continue on that path to perfection on your own, you will fail. You'll drown yourself in on ocean of false guilt and impossible standards. Change doesn't happen over night. Change lasts a lifetime - and it doesn't always occur in the areas that you think it will. God isn't concerned with how "good" you are. I know that it's a terrible cliche, but there is some truth in "letting go and letting God". So, let go! And don't let some pastor or fellow Christian tell you otherwise. God is changing you in his own way and in his own time from the inside out. 
  4. Legalism. Somewhat related to #3. When I think of legalism, I come up with all kinds of examples. You'll have people preach to you about the evils in our culture - how all music is sinful, how all movies are tools of the Devil. That drinking is an unpardonable sin. I'm here to tell you right now - that is all nonsense. You are free to watch, to listen to, or to drink anything you want. Follow your own convictions, not the convictions of others. They are on a different journey altogether. Perhaps they are on a path which will lead to the bondage of performance, of wearing masks. You don't want to go there. If these types approach you - especially if you are a relatively new Christian - turn and walk away in the other direction. Yes, you can love these people. You can also love them from a distance. Choose the path of freedom, always. 
  5. Loneliness. As Christians, depending on where you live and who you surround yourself with, it can get kind of lonely, especially if you are a bit on the unorthodox side. Please know that you did not sign up for that. There is a spiritual family out there who is willing to grow with you in Christ. Take a moment to look around, hook up with a grace-loving, freedom-celebrating group of fellow believers who can help to guide you. Also, know that God is always with you and that Christ lives inside of you. Once you grasp that, you'll realize that you're never really alone. 
These are the five things that you did not sign up for. If ever one of these five things rears its ugly head up at you, remember that you are absolutely, unapologetically free - and that nothing or no one can take that away from you.

1 comment:

  1. These are great points. I never thought that when I was saved I would ever doubt my salvation. I can and I have. I used to feel so guilty about that. But really, God knows we are human, he knows we doubt and make mistakes. I think that is one of the reasons he loves us so much- because of our flaws. He wants us to need him. Great stuff Adam.
