Monday, June 23, 2014

Free Yourself

Many times in my life, I have felt inadequate. There were people inside and outside of the church who told me that my "walk" was less than perfect. I felt the need to push towards perfection, but every time I tried, I failed miserably. Because of my many failures to live up to impossible standards, I felt as though my journey with God was headed to some dark places and that He, my father, was not pleased with me.

Years passed. I grew. I learned about the radical nature of grace. My life changed. I tore the mask off and gave it to God. He tossed it away. I was finally free. I experienced a joy like no other. After this, I became aware of others around me who were still masked. They were in the midst of freedom and were terrified of it. They were Stepford Christians. I made it my mission in life to be a living example of the freedom that comes through spirituality, through God, through Christ. Nothing was ever the same again. 

Today, I am thankful for the beautiful mystery that my life became when I chose to place my faith in God. It doesn't always make sense, and there are always more questions than answers. And yet, I wouldn't have it any other way. Anything is possible for the eternal seeker.

Free yourself. You don't have to keep performing. The ones who judge you now will find other reasons to judge you later. You were never meant to be their puppet. Now, go and live. 

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